Aboriginal Justice Inquiry Child Welfare Initiative
Link to Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Link to Manitoba Metis Federation Link to Manitoba Keewatinow Okimakinak Link to Province of Manitoba

The Joint Management Committee

As part of the MOU, all three signatories and the Province formed a Joint Management Committee to produce and oversee implementation of a detailed plan to restructure Manitoba’s child and family services system based on the recommendations of the AJI report. As set out in the MOU the responsibilities of the Joint Management Committee were as follows:

  1. Overseeing the development of the implementation plan;
  2. Creating and directing a sub-committee of the JMC, entitled the Implementation Committee;
  3. Establishing working groups as may be appropriate;
  4. Setting terms of reference, timelines and monitoring the implementation process;
  5. Ensuring that there is consultation with key stakeholders during the development of the implementation plan; and
  6. Executing the implementation plan as directed by the parties.

The Joint Management Committee was comprised of the following representatives selected by the signatories to the MOUs;

  • Two provincial government representatives - One representative from the Department of Family Services and Housing; One representative from the Department of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs.
  • One representative from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
  • One representative from Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin
  • Two representatives from the Manitoba Metis Federation
  • One portfolio Chief selected by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
  • One Metis woman selected by the Manitoba Metis Federation
  • One representative of Winnipeg Child and Family Services

This nine-person membership reflected a commitment to a balance in representation among government, First Nations and Metis stakeholders.


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